Oct 29, 2010

Integrated Server

Alhamdulillah thanks for Alloh who has given His mercy to us till now. And also for people who support this project, beginning from our study club students which are keep struggle to realize our goals.

Designing this project has been imagined for along time. The real implementation of ICT for our school, which is become very large community and number of services that must be served. We was studied about amount of network, Linux operating system, wireless technology and also the real cases of ours here. Implementing our knowledge has begin, since we got high speed internet access.

The concept of this project is giving good serving actually on internet access with no breaking the religion rules. Some special configurations are needed to prevent users access prohibited sites.

All software that used on this project are open source. The configurations of this AAA server are customized for SMA Budi Utomo  only. Due to some features of Radius Server cannot run properly, we made some special scripts to handle many cases which not handled by AAA.

We setting up this for project with high-end technology to make it still applicable  for next expansion of ICT. For next step, we can merged such as SIPS (Voip Server), freeNAS (open source NAS implementation) , Kannel (GSM messaging system) to our existing server.

Next urgently needed is develop private website and micro-blog to support some features and also empower human resource in using ICT for teaching. Facing global growth of technology, especially to make micro-blog and private websites, our student and also teacher must familiar to our new system. Some features has been enabled to improve them, such as private samba file server with net-bios login for each teacher 1 Giga Byte quota.

We know that its not too prefect, sometimes we found any vulnerabilities of our system, especially in filtering many words related to porn term and many others. We try to make it best, but we need support from all users to give many suggestions to improve our system together.

check my ppt on  : http://www.slideshare.net/febru/integrated-server
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