Jul 5, 2011

Most things a manager needed

A manager is the one who has big responsibility to manage a company or institution or department or division, Now, what the things that i want to coined to you is, what the best things a manager should think ?

The simplest answer is : think as owner

If you are owner of company, of course you will always think about "how to make this company bigger", right ?.

So, how to treat our new manager to do with ?, okay, simple ways, I notify him, you are in re-evaluating, your target for this month is X, less than that, this email as your 1 month notice.

Its looks so hard, didn;t it ?, No, because the target was calculated by me, i can calculate the market, demand, and supply, so: its still considerable.

If you running this little tips, you will get the result quickly, just a month later. Trust me, it works.

*beside that, i also thinking about their rewards while they achieve the target. See ?
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Jul 2, 2011

Customer perspectives and expectations, defining customer expectation methods

One of sub topic in Project Management is how to recognise customer expectation, you  can safe many when you are clearly understood and reach their expectations.

Every customer has their own world, we have to recognise exactly their desire. Too long gaps and distortion among us make it difficult to define what they want. It can be proofed, let say : you are speaking with your friend, you are programmer than she was farmer. When you talking about the word "technique" it will make her thought about "how to plug the farm" than you are thinking about "how to make or use the programming languages to conduct with your desire". Its often happen in our life. Lets check this real examples :

In my brain, i was talking about my plan, according to me She asking my plan, since she was in Bandung and i often go there But, its wrong. She asking me when i get ready to marry. hahaha ..

I not really sure that some of you understood what i meant on my latest comment. So: let me explain to make you clear :

1. Mana yang di kasih itu yang di syukuri : Which one is given to you, you must thank to God, It doesn't mean that we just wait for our destiny without any effort, but you have to sharpen your own destiny, be struggle to achieve it. When you do your best effort, at the end, its depend on God's will. Never give up, while you decide to choose her, so please pray, be struggles, meet her parents, ask to them politely, etc .. (Do with the right ways, some one say that better you approach to her than her parents, its not wrong but better you approach to her parents bitter than your approaching to her, i will explain about this later, if someone asking me to explain). See my previous note : http://febru.soluvas.com/2011/06/please-me-thankful.html

Please pray to be always thank "syukur", recite this du'a "robbi auziekni an asykuro ni'matakalathi an am ta alayya, wa 'ala walidayya, wa an a'mala sholikhan tardhohu, wa adkhilni fii ibadikasholikhin

Owh God, please make my heart always intend to thanks for your favour to me and thank to my parents, and make me always do good, collect me with your righteous servant.

Ya Alloh, mugi ngrentekake panjenengan dumateng ati kulo supados syukur kalian nikmat engkang panjenengan paringaken dumateng kulo ...

this is the praying of Solomon, He was thankful servant. Beware with the spelling in praying, see http://febru.soluvas.com/2011/06/clear-spelling-in-praying.html

2.lha klo bilang dia gak baik, apa trus dirinya sendiri lebih baik ? : if he said that she was bad, is he better ?, Really, we cannot define exactly our score by our self. Even ulama (see the explanation here : http://febru.soluvas.com/2011/06/mubaligh-is-just-human-your-science.html ), there is still any opportunities to get wrong, so what should to do ?, just make it always better for all (you and your couple). How ?, God and his massager was mentioned that a boy must be good leader (more detail about leader should read this http://febru.soluvas.com/2011/06/pray-to-cultive-love-put-your-first.html) , higher  in religion knowledge (see my explanation here : http://febru.soluvas.com/2011/06/man-educate-mother-mother-educate-son.html ) and able to always advise his couple, manage her, direct her (see here : http://febru.soluvas.com/2011/06/praying-to-make-god-love-your-children.html )  and love her duly. (more detail about duly love, read this http://febru.soluvas.com/2011/06/i-love-because-of-god-love-management.html )

3. masalah kata orang, itu perlu di jelas (tabayun), all about gossip, we have to clarify, i never write about this, but i can explain in simple words, "never follow the gossip before you clarifying by yourself"

4. klo ternyata masih kurang baik, ya itu kwajiban nya dia untuk memperbaiki, dan mmg tugas dia. If She was bad, its your duty to repair. Some of men were got difficulties to manage their wife, the common cause are they have not enough religion knowledge and they are weak as leader. (see here : http://febru.soluvas.com/2011/06/leader-should-not-weak-gholabatirrijal.html). Please avoid these causes before you get married.

That's all, is about being in customer world, so you can clearly recognise what they want. Before you do these, you have to be always in good-tempered. Being peace in heart make you always in good term. As He said "yaa ayyatuhan nafsu mutmainnah, irji'i ila robbiki rodiyatan, mardiyyatan, fadkhuli fii ibadi wadkhuli jannati" (hey human, please be peace, back to worshipping God,.....)  See here : http://febru.soluvas.com/2011/06/praying-for-peace-of-heart.html

Recognising customer expectation are explained detail in this book Customer Expectation Management: Success Without Exception  
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Jul 1, 2011

How to Manage critical event, thousands dollar invoicing

Today, i want to continue my study about Project Management Part 3, but eventually i think its better to told you about my actual events today. Its about managing critical event.
The case is : We are invoicing to client, among bosses is doesn't matter, but as usual, finance always STRICT with the rules. We send the wrong format (as She said) for more than 5 times, and its should be invoiced to Malaysian company.

The invoice values is little bit big, thousands dollar. For them, its just a few i thought, because they are big company. In the morning, i already make a new deal with their boss for other projects. Its important to keep them trust for our services.

What i want to mentioned here is, financial issues is always critical but we have to patient to make it running well. Make it as if doesn't make any effect to our work load. Ensuring they still help us dealing our desire and breaking their rules smoothly. There are so many invoicing template / format which is used by companies, see the examples on Adams Invoice Unit Set, 8.5 x 11.44 Inch, 3-Part, Carbonless, 100-Pack, White and Canary and Pink (NC3812)

Some of you implement the common treatments dealing with this issues, such as entertaining them, ask them to play golf with, or joining with their hobbies, okay its fine, but really, we can make it low cost, See my trick in this email :

Dear E*****,

Thanks for your correction, really i just consider and know its rule of your company. but, lets make it being simple :
the previous mechanism was changed since too many correction upon us, these invoice was checked by Ms B*** also and there are still any correction. We really need to speed up and solved this issue since the training was done 2 months ago, we rid some items which is miss of original receipts (even we ask for K*** to help solving this, hotel for 2 days in Bangla, He cannot do more, we didn;t get any replies from him). Actually we loss some portion of us in this invoicing (hotel rates, missing original receipt, visa bribes to speed up the process, etc).

I think its better with these steps  :
1. Lets review together, which one the wrong then how should it be ?
2. Just proceed the correct ones, there are 4 sheets, Bangla 1 (invoice and claim) and Bangla 2 (invoice and claim), the claim must be correct,right ?, so, please speed up these while we send you new invoices.

For your correction, okay we will erase that marks, if you .

hopefully we can solved this issues as soon as possible.


Don't you see the effect of this email ?, its so smooth suggest (or order) them so comply with my desire, just give me my money see that ?

More detail about this, read on Critical Events in Psychotherapy Supervision: An Interpersonal Approach
Beside that, i need to notify and warn my staff, why ?, because something wrong in work flow must not be often.
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