Mar 28, 2014

openerp 7 import csv

before you import your data (contact, product, invoice, sales order etc). You need to enable external identifier to make openerp recognize your data to be referred.

example :
you need to import product, which is have "manufacture_id" or "agent_id"  (refers to res_partner), to enable importing your data, you need to create external identifier.

see here :

openerp 7 import csv contact

then it automatically change the view base on your record_id

after this steps, you just need to create a simple excel formula to map your text-base-description to be external-identifier-format. (a simple vlookup)

you can see that you can use cust/id field  (its refers to res_partner)

thats all, hopefully useful 
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Mar 27, 2014

[SOLVED] Openerp 8 Access Denied by record rules for operation: create, model: res.partner

well, on openerp 8, you may get this error,

the solution is simple, just follow my previous post here

then you just create as below :

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Mar 21, 2014

install openerp 8 ubuntu 13.10

its easy ways to install openerp 8 on ubuntu 13.10

first :
follow this step

secondly : 
sudo apt-get install python-pypdf python-psutil 
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-gnutls libapache2-mod-python libapache2-mod-wsgi 
sudo apt-get install xvfb xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cyrillic  wkhtmltopdf  flashplugin-nonfree 

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo wget
sudo tar xvvf wkhtmltopdf-0.1.tar.gz
cd wkhtmltopdf-0.1/
sudo python install

you can check it by : 

python -m wkhtmltopdf.main  /tmp/example.pdf

tarraaa.... your openerp is ready...

install openerp 8 ubuntu 13.10

maybe you need to setup proxy-http and mod proxy to make it run with other application with apache as proxy.
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[SOLVED] openerp 8 TypeError: _postprocess_args() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

Hi all,

just a little solution for this error : in openerp 8, website addons

TypeError: _postprocess_args() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

and this

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Mar 18, 2014

[SOLVED] OpenERP 7 IOError: decoder zip not available

IOError: decoder zip not available

its an error while you use PIL or Pillow with python-imaging together. On my case : with this environment :

Openerp 7
Ubuntu 13.10 x64

i've got an error as below : 

SOLVED IOError: decoder zip not available

then i test on console, its seem running

>>> from PIL import Image>>> 

but, still error while installing some modules. 

well, the solution is : 

1. remove python-imaging

sudo apt-get remove python-imaging

2. find your 

find . -iname 

3. create link (its depend on your

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib

4. re-install PIL

sudo pip uninstall PIL
sudo pip install PIL

then you will see the last result is : 

    version       1.1.7
    platform      linux2 2.7.5+ (default, Sep 19 2013, 13:48:49)
                  [GCC 4.8.1]
    *** TKINTER support not available (Tcl/Tk 8.5 libraries needed)
    --- JPEG support available
    --- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support available
    --- FREETYPE2 support available
    *** LITTLECMS support not available
    To add a missing option, make sure you have the required
    library, and set the corresponding ROOT variable in the script.
    To check the build, run the script.
    changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/ from 644 to 755
    changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/ from 644 to 755
    changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/ from 644 to 755
    changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/ from 644 to 755
    changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/ from 644 to 755
    changing mode of /usr/local/bin/ to 755
    changing mode of /usr/local/bin/ to 755
    changing mode of /usr/local/bin/ to 755
    changing mode of /usr/local/bin/ to 755
    changing mode of /usr/local/bin/ to 755
Successfully installed PIL
Cleaning up...

You can test with this simple script :

import urllib
from PIL import Image
import StringIO
file = StringIO.StringIO(urllib.urlopen('').read())
img =
img = img.crop((0, 0, 400, 600))

if it running, then you are ready to work on.
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