Mar 7, 2013

OpenERP 7, hack insert property_account_income property_account_expense to product_template

OpenERP 7, hacking to insert property_account_income  and  property_account_expense to product_template.

just a little concept you should know is about "", it is a function, so you can not inserting as commonly you do with xml-rpc, because you can not casting an object into it.

its very different with many2many connection, such as taxes_id or supplier_taxes_id, to set your product has it, just try setup one product and you can use a simple sql as below :

select * product_taxes_rel (product_id, tax_id)

the output 


so you just need to run :

insert into product_taxes_rel(prod_id, tax_id) select id, '1' from product_template where id not in (1,204)

select * from product_supplier_taxes_rel

the output 

you just need run : 

insert into product_supplier_taxes_rel(prod_id, tax_id) select id, '2' from product_template where id not in (1,204)

well, lets back to inserting property, to inserting those properties, you need try setup one product, then look out on your database, it seem as below :

select * from ir_property where name in ('property_account_income', 'property_account_expense')

the output 

27;1;"2013-02-05 14:27:05.3211";"2013-02-05 14:27:05.3211";1;"";;"property_account_expense";;"many2one";1;1940;"";"";"account.account,307";"product.template,1"
28;1;"2013-02-05 14:27:05.3211";"2013-02-05 14:27:05.3211";1;"";;"property_account_income";;"many2one";1;1938;"";"";"account.account,308";"product.template,1"

there are two ways to inserting
A. Direct SQL. 

  • you need to create simple
  • run it and cast the output to sql-file, just like python > sql-file.sql
  • run the sql

here is the example of

import xmlrpclib

username = "username"

pwd = "password"
dbname = "yourdb"

sock_common = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/common")
uid = sock_common.login(dbname, username, pwd)
sock = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/object")

results = sock.execute(dbname, uid, pwd, 'product.template', 'search', [])
for i in results:
    sql = """ insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_expense', 'many2one', '1', '1940', 'account.account,307', 'product.template,"""
    sql = sql + str(i) + "';"
    print sql
    sql = """ insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_income', 'many2one', '1', '1938', 'account.account,308', 'product.template,"""
    sql = sql + str(i) + "';"
    print sql

your sql-file should be like this : 

 insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_expense', 'many2one', '1', '1940', 'account.account,307', 'product.template,1';
 insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_income', 'many2one', '1', '1938', 'account.account,308', 'product.template,1';
 insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_expense', 'many2one', '1', '1940', 'account.account,307', 'product.template,2';
 insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_income', 'many2one', '1', '1938', 'account.account,308', 'product.template,2';

B. Pure xml-rpc 

in this step, you need to look the structure of, you need to copy this creation style

        prop = obj.pool.get('')
            return prop.create(cr, uid, {
                'value': id_val,
                'res_id': obj._name+','+str(id),
                'company_id': cid,
                'fields_id': def_id,
                'type': self._type,
            }, context=context)

thats all, its already update thousands data of mine...  :D

after running those script, you will see that all of product are proper now..

OpenERP 7, hacking to insert property_account_income  and  property_account_expense to product_template.

just a little concept you should know is about "", it is a function, so you can not inserting as commonly you do with xml-rpc, because you can not casting an object into it.

its very different with many2many connection, such as taxes_id or supplier_taxes_id, to set your product has it, just try setup one product and you can use a simple sql as below :

select * product_taxes_rel (product_id, tax_id)

the output 


so you just need to run :

insert into product_taxes_rel(prod_id, tax_id) select id, '1' from product_template where id not in (1,204)

select * from product_supplier_taxes_rel

the output 

you just need run : 

insert into product_supplier_taxes_rel(prod_id, tax_id) select id, '2' from product_template where id not in (1,204)

well, lets back to inserting property, to inserting those properties, you need try setup one product, then look out on your database, it seem as below :

select * from ir_property where name in ('property_account_income', 'property_account_expense')

the output 

27;1;"2013-02-05 14:27:05.3211";"2013-02-05 14:27:05.3211";1;"";;"property_account_expense";;"many2one";1;1940;"";"";"account.account,307";"product.template,1"
28;1;"2013-02-05 14:27:05.3211";"2013-02-05 14:27:05.3211";1;"";;"property_account_income";;"many2one";1;1938;"";"";"account.account,308";"product.template,1"

there are two ways to inserting
A. Direct SQL. 

  • you need to create simple
  • run it and cast the output to sql-file, just like python > sql-file.sql
  • run the sql

here is the example of

import xmlrpclib

username = "username"

pwd = "password"
dbname = "yourdb"

sock_common = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/common")
uid = sock_common.login(dbname, username, pwd)
sock = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/object")

results = sock.execute(dbname, uid, pwd, 'product.template', 'search', [])
for i in results:
    sql = """ insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_expense', 'many2one', '1', '1940', 'account.account,307', 'product.template,"""
    sql = sql + str(i) + "';"
    print sql
    sql = """ insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_income', 'many2one', '1', '1938', 'account.account,308', 'product.template,"""
    sql = sql + str(i) + "';"
    print sql

your sql-file should be like this : 

 insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_expense', 'many2one', '1', '1940', 'account.account,307', 'product.template,1';
 insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_income', 'many2one', '1', '1938', 'account.account,308', 'product.template,1';
 insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_expense', 'many2one', '1', '1940', 'account.account,307', 'product.template,2';
 insert into ir_property (create_uid, create_date, write_date, write_uid, name, type, company_id, fields_id, value_reference, res_id)    select '1', LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP,'1', 'property_account_income', 'many2one', '1', '1938', 'account.account,308', 'product.template,2';

B. Pure xml-rpc 

in this step, you need to look the structure of, you need to copy this creation style

        prop = obj.pool.get('')
            return prop.create(cr, uid, {
                'value': id_val,
                'res_id': obj._name+','+str(id),
                'company_id': cid,
                'fields_id': def_id,
                'type': self._type,
            }, context=context)

thats all, its already update thousands data of mine...  :D

after running those script, you will see that all of product are proper now..


  1. No need to mess with Just set "property_account_income": ,
    "property_account_expense": in your product.product object that you pass to rpc call create.

    And doing things like insert into product_supplier_taxes_rel(prod_id, tax_id) select id, '2' from product_template where id not in (1,204) is horribly dangerous. What if there are other templates that are not supposed to have taxes and you set taxes for them with this call??

    1. yes.. thats the another ways..

      i know, by passing the ORM will be horribly dangerous, but in my case its still safe, i do check randomly to ensure the result is as my expectation.

      sometimes, i need to bypass ORM (doing direct to database) just to ensure that field.function doing its job well....because i found some data are out of rules of field.function
