whats happen on your website ?, ever considering that ?. No one consider except geek programmer. well, sometimes, its very important to you webmaster to make sure that no broken links, specially on your advertisement links.
advertise my website
people always think it, so they search thousands keyword related to, however either they search for "free advertising website" or "internet advertising". Lets take one some cases about what happen when you put advertisement on your website : you choose to use googleadsense
here's your transaction :
its look like complicated for blogspot-base-hosting, you can see that there are so many links on your page, even just for one page in front.
adsense http transaction
the simplest http transaction when you put ads-unit on your site is just like this :
when you make other complicated website such as free job posting website, or advertising position or other niche with high monthly search, sure its become complicated transaction there.
..show all:.
whats happen on your website ?, ever considering that ?. No one consider except geek programmer. well, sometimes, its very important to you webmaster to make sure that no broken links, specially on your advertisement links.
advertise my website
people always think it, so they search thousands keyword related to, however either they search for "free advertising website" or "internet advertising". Lets take one some cases about what happen when you put advertisement on your website : you choose to use googleadsense
here's your transaction :
its look like complicated for blogspot-base-hosting, you can see that there are so many links on your page, even just for one page in front.
adsense http transaction
the simplest http transaction when you put ads-unit on your site is just like this :
when you make other complicated website such as free job posting website, or advertising position or other niche with high monthly search, sure its become complicated transaction there.
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