Dec 10, 2013

inject http header linux python all operator

Vulnerable of http-header 

Previously, we are talking about tunneling, meanwhile i will not discussing about how to make http inject for mobile broadband, but i just want to show you how it works with real sample.

according to some of http vulnerability is containing CRLF on header, so it can be indentify as new line with new command on proxy.

CRLF injection vulnerability in the tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_header function in Tornado before 2.2.1 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary HTTP headers and conduct HTTP response splitting attacks via crafted input.

How to make inject all operator in linux  

well, the simplest ways is you can use squidclient or urllib or curl or other primitives browser or you can make your own script. here is 

by this video and script, you are free to create your own injection by yourself by this basic inject all operator script


Vulnerable of http-header 

Previously, we are talking about tunneling, meanwhile i will not discussing about how to make http inject for mobile broadband, but i just want to show you how it works with real sample.

according to some of http vulnerability is containing CRLF on header, so it can be indentify as new line with new command on proxy.

CRLF injection vulnerability in the tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_header function in Tornado before 2.2.1 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary HTTP headers and conduct HTTP response splitting attacks via crafted input.

How to make inject all operator in linux  

well, the simplest ways is you can use squidclient or urllib or curl or other primitives browser or you can make your own script. here is 

by this video and script, you are free to create your own injection by yourself by this basic inject all operator script


  1. Script nya keren bro (GOOD JOB)

  2. gan scriptnya kok gg bisa di download yak ?
    jadi pengen belajar python neeh ....

  3. cara parsing di phyton injek gimana sama cara replace respon misalnya 403 ke 200 ok di coding phyton injek thanks

  4. cara bikin query dan add header di injek phyton gimana yah...master..

  5. cara lebih mudah, pake aja curl, disana ada option header, ==> klo pengen modify header.

    klo pengen lebih custom command untuk header nya, ya hrs pake python or perl,

    prinsipnya sama seperti proxy biasa

  6. Bisa minta contoh konek pake Curl Gan?

  7. gan bsa diperbaharui gk link scriptnya ? yang ini dah gk bsa didownload

  8. can you update download link please?
